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Who Are We

Albert Kamunde & Company LLP is a legal firm that was established in 1998 by Albert Kamunde. The areas of law practice include; Property Law, Environmental Law, Tax Law, Criminal Law, Commercial Law, International Law, Labour Law, Constitutional Law and many more.

Albert Kamunde & Company LLP

Albert Kamunde & Company LLP

Welcome to Albert Kamunde & Company LLP. We are here to help you solve you legal problems.

To provide our clients with a network of high quality, creative legal solutions with integrity, professionalism and respect for our clients and community at large and on a timely, effective and efficient basis.

To remain the best and provide high quality, State of the art legal services.

In pursuit to our Mission, we strive to offer high quality legal services to our clients and we hold to these values; a sense of reliability, ethical, trustworthy, analytical, detail-oriented, hardworking and excellence.

Albert Kamunde & Company LLP is a legal firm that was established in 1998 by Albert Kamunde. The areas of law practice include; Property Law, Environmental Law, Tax Law, Criminal Law, Commercial Law, International Law, Labour Law, Constitutional Law and many more.

To provide our clients with a network of high quality, creative legal solutions with integrity, professionalism and respect for our clients and community at large and on a timely, effective and efficient basis.

To remain the best and provide high quality, State of the art legal services.

In pursuit to our Mission, we strive to offer high quality legal services to our clients and we hold to these values; a sense of reliability, ethical, trustworthy, analytical, detail-oriented, hardworking and excellence.

Albert Kamunde & Company LLP

Albert Kamunde & Company LLP

Welcome to Albert Kamunde & Company LLP. We are here to help you solve your legal problems.

Qualified Legal Attorneys

Suspendisse potenti Phasellus euismod libero in neque molestie et mentum libero maximus. Etiam in enim vestibulum suscipit sem quis molestie nibh.

15 Years of Experience

Suspendisse potenti Phasellus euismod libero in neque molestie et mentum libero maximus. Etiam in enim vestibulum suscipit sem quis molestie nibh.

Receiving Awards Every Year

Suspendisse potenti Phasellus euismod libero in neque molestie et mentum libero maximus. Etiam in enim vestibulum suscipit sem quis molestie nibh.
  • One Of the Best Qualified Team
  • We Understand Law
  • Free Consultation
  • Best Case Strategy
  • Rich Experience
  • No Win No Fees

Why Choose Us

  • One Of the Best Qualified Team
  • Free Consultation
  • Best Case Strategy
  • No Win No Fees

What Our Clients Say